Friday, July 25, 2008

So Long 'Ole Pal

Bye bye mucus plug.

I'm convinced that is what I just scraped out of my undies. The total accumulation was quite impressive - similar in width and height to a stack of 3-4 quarters. Gummy in consistency. Almost resembling EWCM but more amber. No bloody show yet though. I'd been having small stringy pieces on my pantiliner for days now but this was definitely more quantity and...should I say...quality?

I was also up all last night with wicked contractions. After rolling around on my exercise ball for a bit, I began to get BH but didn't think much of it. They were inconsistent and painless. Some coming every 8 minutes and then every 13 minutes until they petered out. Overnight, I got some painful ones I had to breathe through. Felt like bad AF cramps that radiated to my back. However, those were also inconsistent and faded over time. They just left me in a sleepless, cranky daze with a sore crotch and belly.

Not sure if any of this means anything but at least there is action to keep me on my toes. We're in wait and see mode.


KP said...

woohoo! looking forward to your next post....

Wordgirl said...


I've been following you this entire journey and can't wait until the next post!

What an amazing process -- !


Meghan said...

wow--love hearing all this progress!

AwkwardMoments said...

that sounds like some progress!!

Emily said...

gosh, i'm dying here!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't imagine what YOU are going through!

If your stat counter shows someone on here every 5 minutes this weekend please don't think i'm a loon..

docgrumbles said...

we are waiting with you! So exciting!

Polka Dot said...

gaaaah It's almost time! I'm hoping your next post will be from the hospital with a beautiful baby sleeping next to you!

Holly Crosley said...

That's exactly what happened to me just a couple days before I had Emma. It won't be long now. Once you get that bloody show, you will meet your little guy within 24 least that is what happened to me!

megan said...

here we go, miss! wait and see mode has officially begun.
i hope it's sooner rather than later! xo

Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

Not long now!!

Mary said...

Ooooohhh...that sounds like a mucus plug to me. I lost mine when I was in labor at the I hope that is "close" sign for you too!

I just read your second to last and this post and got all choked up. I remember all those same thoughts as I passed my due date and waited for Elliote to arrive. I used to sit and try to "burn" everything into my memory and try not to be scared...but I was. And now I look at Elliote and wonder what I was afraid of!

You are going to be an amazing mother. We all are waiting here with baited fingers?? for your great news!!

Natalie said...

It's getting closer!

When I would get contractions - BH or otherwise - I found they were much easier when I conciously relaxed my back and stomach muscles (which can be hard when you're contracting!). Try it, see what happens! Maybe it'll help.

Samantha said...

Seems like your OB may have been on to something on Friday! Good luck this weekend!

deanna said...

Woot!! Woot!!!

This is so exciting! Congrats on one more big step in the best direction!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOT! Can't wait to hear all about the delivery! Kday and I are leaving for a week long trip to Maryland (Potomac) on Friday Aug.1 and i am sure that you will have your little sunshine in your arms by then! Good luck. You deserve it!

Mazzy said...

oh my gosh... so close, just dying to hear your next update!!!!!! come on, baby!! let's make our grand entrance-stat!