(Doin' the Monster Mash...It's a graveyard smash...)
I know one monster I'd like to mash - AF showed up yesterday, right in time for the holiday. How fitting. I now have my new costume: bloody infertile. I hear it is quite popular this year. DH and I are celebrating by drinking lots of alcohol (wine for him - Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade for me) and eating lots of candy, while watching the Halloween marathon on AMC. I swear, we are the oldest 20-somethings I know. Everyone else is out whooping it up and we're at home glued to the tube like old fogies. We bought 3 bags of treats for any kids that might stop by but we haven't had one knock at the door. Guess it's all going to my thighs then. Can't let those Reeses go to waste!
I called the RE today and my protocol for this cycle remains the same as always - 100mg Clomid CD5-9 and trigger shot. It did the trick once, let's see if it can give me a belated little treat.
Oh, and I have a bone to pick with a certain well-known company that produces feminine hygeine products:

Who the hell came up with this motto? Some 16-year old who uses the pull-and-pray method? They should be fired pronto. Happy period my ass. Everytime I look down and see this, I vomit a little in the back of my mouth. Am I alone here?
I am sorry AF had to show up and ruin your holiday
I HATE those commercials, the women dancing around to their happy periods. Ug. So sorry AF had to show up. I would have taken her off your hands
Sorry about the disappointing news. You definitely deserve your drinks tonight. Hang in there.
The first time I saw that motto, I practically threw up.
Last night I drank tequila.
If it were any other month, yes, it would annoy the hell out of me. However, for the period I currently have, I wanted to sound off a parade when I got it. Troubling, I know. Who could blame me?? lol
Those commercials definitely had to have been created by a man. I don't know of a single woman, be it fertile or not, that enjoys AF's company. Sickening.
DOn't get me started- when is a period ever "happy?" Even when preventing, I was never "happy" about it. Joy of joys- cramps and bleeding.
You are so funny, with that pull and pray stuff.
I'm so sorry you got your period. It'll happen eventually. I know it sucks. At least you still have your humor.
Enjoy your booze.
Yeah, I have to turn the channel whenever those stupid happy period commercials come on. And I DON'T buy their products just because I can't stand this tag line.
I am sorry that AF has arrived for both of us. But it was really fun being your cycle buddy.
Right there with you, girl.
Happy period is the biggest oxymoron I've ever heard.
I ate plenty of reeses with you, btw. I actually turned out the light when I was only down to 6 reeses because I knew I deserved them more than those little kids did. Bah!
HAHAHA - I feel the same darn way! What is so happy about it? Cramps? Headaches? Mood Swings? Not even thinking about infertility....nothing happy.
There is never any 'happy' associated with MY 'period'.
What a daft slogan. They may as well say enjoy p!ssing blood out of your neveryoumind, it's fun!'.
Sorry about CD1. It doesn't get any easier, does it?
I can't believe they have a such a motto! It's almost funny, no?!!
I've only had about 3 happy periods in my whole life and they were all before I was married.
I'm so sorry AF showed up. And I'm in complete agreement with you about that saying. It's annoying and condescending and it actually made me stop buying the always brand. Idiots!
HUGS! :)
Be glad you had no trick or treaters. I got to answer the door to a parade of happy families and sweet babies and todlers.....Sorry to hear about AF. Maybe you should switch from Always to Kotex :) Theirs say "Kotex Understands"
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