Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Be My Snowy Valentine


The weather outside is frightful but inside, this day has been delightful. I woke up to a good 4 inches of sleet on the ground and ice pellets hitting my bedroom window - completely messy and unmanageable. I called my boss and she told me not to worry about it and to stay indoors. YAY!!! DH also stayed home and worked so we have been together all day for the first time ever on Valentine's Day. He is making me dinner tonight (shrimp fajitas) and I can't wait! We don't really have much planned other than that but I don't need a big fancy showing. I would rather save money and just have a nice, relaxing day together. I told him that (as a joke, of course), I just want his d*** in a box a la Justin Timberlake! LOL

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I'm also excited to stay home and watch all my court shows I normally miss while at work. Gotta have my Judge Judy! Not to mention that American Idol is on tonight and they are choosing the top 24. So exciting!

On the TTC front, I'm still waiting to O. Today is CD15 so I'm hoping my temp spike shows up in the next few days. I couldn't bear another long cycle like last month. Another girl on my East Coast BG announced her BFP. That makes 3 girls in the past month. I am really happy for them but can't help but wonder if I will ever get to join them in posting my announcement. It just seems so unreal for me to ever be in that situation. However, I am trying to stay positive and maintain my good mood. After all, I do have the best Valentine I could ever ask for.

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