Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Okay, I'll start with the good.
Beta at 13dpo = 115
Now the bad news.
Progesterone = 14+
The RE likes to see it around 20, so I'm a bit on the low side. Looks like I'll be wearing those progesterone panties after all.
Why can NOTHING be easy? It takes us so long to even get pregnant, and then when we do get those two pink lines, there's always something else that creeps up on us. Why can't we seem to ever catch a break? I can't stand the thought of losing this pregnancy. I just don't even want to entertain the notion.
I've never used progesterone before. I've never had a need for it before. Any helpful advice out there? Experiences anyone cares to share? Realistically, is this promising if I have to resort to the suppositories already?
I can't help but feel this is doomed. Maybe the progesterone isn't THAT big of a deal, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Mommy's coming to the rescue.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Why Can't It Just Be Easy?
with love from
1:44 PM
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I personally don't think it is a big deal...but you still want all numbers to be perfect...I understand.
That being said...I have seen way worse progesterone numbers that early turn out okay.
I think you will do fine with the supplements.
Congratulations by the way -- did I comment on this? I meant to -- with the holiday it's all kind of a blur.
I take progesterone too -- it is very approachable -- kind of messy, I guess -- but not a big deal at all.
I didn't notice any mood changes or anything when I was using progesterone...
Thinking of you!
No advice, just hugs. Also, 14 doesn't SOUND like a bad number to me... of course I'm not a doc. Remember bluehairedwoman - she's trucking along just fine despite having progesterone issues. Don't worry yet. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts!
I don't think that 14 is 'bad' they just 'like' it higher. Remember there is + after that 14 ;)
I do want to say that I think that your beta looks very promising and that I am praying it triples and quadruples!
Suppositories aren't bad- they aren't fun either. I my opinion it way better to take vaginally than orally- I have taken both. Take it at night, assuming it's 1x a day, and then slap on a pad in the morning- you will do just fine. I did much, much better on the vaginal kind.
I know enough to know that you are a strong enough person to deal with both good and bad. Hopefully you will have all good... I am here supporting you always!
Sending quadrupling vibes and sticky vibes your way- along with supportive hugs!! ~Big, Big Hugs~
Don't feel doomed, I think things will work themselves out. I've been taking Provera for a few months, and while I know it's not exactly like a vag progesterone supplement, it's still progesterone. I haven't had any problems with it at all. I'm hoping the same for you. I've been saying lots of prayers for sticky to stick!
PS- They always say to never judge the 1st numbers, it's the 2nd set that really says something. I know it's hard but it's true.
At 13dpo, in this pregnancy, I was only at 43. There is always a reason to hope!!
Congrats on the positive beta!! Progesterone isn't too bad, just a little messy. But that's what panty liners are for. And 14 doesn't sound too horrible, so hopefully the suppositories will help.
Good luck! Sending lots of hugs and sticky vibes!!
Well congrats on the fantastic beta!! And the progesterone should bring that number right up. Definitely wear a pantiliner. My first-timer mistake last month (warning, TMI) was to not put it in far enough. That just made for a lot more mess. All in all, it's not fun sticking something up there twice a day, but it's not the worst thing either.
And it's all for a good cause! Stick little bean, stick!!!
I am using the progesterone, too. I insert it right before I go to bed, and then I try to go to sleep. If I can't, I at least make sure to lie still for about an hour before I get up for anything. That way the progesterone has had a chance to be absorbed into my body and all that's left is the waxy stuff. I usually fall right asleep, so I don't notice the "leakiness" that others feel. I have also found that laying on my side helps to keep it from "dripping" out.
progesterone is oozy and messy but well worth it. My p4 was 10 after my first beta which was after yours. Do not worry about having ti already use progesterone. It is a good precautionary thing to do regardless of what a persons p4 is. (just my opinion) I am sending up major "hang on lil bean" vibes for you
I started out with an initial beta of 26 and a progesterone of 13. I started progesterone suppositories that night, and I'm currently 32 weeks along.
I now wonder if my 2 previous early losses were due to low progesterone (they were from before I started with my RE so I don't have any idea what my numbers were for those.)
Good luck!!
my doc put me on prometrium just in's kind of messy but not too bad.
14+ definitely doesn't sound terrible.
it's all still crossed for you over here, Kristen.
I have never been preggo so you can take this with a grain of salt... but I don't think it is that big a deal. I already know that if (WHEN) I get pregnant, I am going to be on progesterone for the 1st trimester because I have a short luteal phase (9 days). I have several friends who used the suppositories (some used pills) for the first trimester and everything ended up perfectly fine.
I agree, why can't it just be easy?
I have used the progesterone before and it really isn't that big of a deal. A little messy, but all worth it.
Your hcg looks great!!!
I don't don't much about progesterone but I do know several people who had lower numbers at your stage and had successful pregnants. Many congrats and positve thoughts being sent your way!
The only advice that I can offer you on the suppositories is that it's gross. You'll 'feel' like you have your period (like... uh... gushes). Wear pantyliners.
Yay for a great beta though!! Mine was less than a 1/3 of that, lol.
Many prayers for you and your sweet baby. I love you!
I'm on progesterone each cycle and sometimes I think I'm over medicated. But I think your RE is trying to be cautious. On a medicated cycle they like to see 20, but on a natural cycle they like to see 10-15 so you are well within range and the suppositories will only help you. They are messy, but you may only have to do them at night, not 3 times a day like me...with hope of pregnancy actually happening. I'll be thinking of you girl. By the way, your beta # sounds very strong at 13dpo!! I really think things look up for you and the progesterone will help boost that. :) *hugs*
I have no experience with it, but I've got everything crossed for you that this one sticks! :)
Beta is good!! I had those suppositories twice a day (200 mg each) from the day of IUI until the 8th week, just as a precautionary measure. They're no big deal. Congratulations on that beta.
14's not bad. You'll be okay!
Great beta!
There's a good story of hope for your right there...even though I'm sure she's already commented.
I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I don't. Just know that you are in my thoughts!
And Congratulations!!!!
First of all, Congratulations!!!
Second of all, it's protocol for IVF patients to start progesterone the day of transfer, and continue on for 12-16 weeks. This is because the druuuugs suck the natural progesterone out of the body, hence the need for PIO or pessaries.
Which is my long winded way of saying, don't worry too much about it. I've never done IUI or used Clomid, but it wouldn't surprise me if it sucked all the natural progesterone out, too.
That is an incredibly good beta. And the progesterone can be helped with suppositories. So...I'm only thinking good thoughts right now :-)
I had worse numbers, and I was *on* progesterone starting on 3 DPO. A bit messy, and it made me feel pregnant before I was (bloated and generally a bit yuk) but hey, you are, so who will know the difference? I really think progesterone -- especially after a BFP -- is an "it can't hurt" clause. And you are only 13 dpo, and it does tend to go up rather quickly, so I wouldn't stress it too much. Just do it -- we'll know when we know, right?
The P4 isn't all that shabby.
But prog pessaries are no big drama either,
Hoping for you,
I took progesterone with my second pregnancy. This was because of my first miscarriage. My body didn't make enough progesterone in its own. I took it in the pill form and I stopped once I entered the second trimester. Congratulations to you!!! I wish you the best of luck.
Ugh, sorry it sucked and couldn't have been all easy:-(
Hang in there and hopefully the progesterone will do the trick.
I completely agree with the easy comment. I was just thinking that myself.
Take your suppositories at night, it's less of a mess.
I'm wishing you a tremendous amount of luck.
Ugh. I'm sorry. I know what you mean. But yeah.. I've seen many supplement with progesterone and turn out ok. Maybe your corpus luteum is just a little tired. ;-)
Seriously, I'm not making light. I know it's very upsetting. The progesterone panties aren't that bad as far as physical discomfort. I used to do the suppositories at night so they'd have all night to soak up there, and I wouldn't have to worry about any ickiness at work. GL!!
OH MY GOSH! This is what happens when I step away from my computer for two days! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! I love it when a fellow cycle buddy hits gold! I found the progesterone just made me feel pregnant. And since you are pregnant, well, it will just add to the party. It really wasn't that bad. Just wear a thin pad or undies you don't care about. Gosh, I am so excited about this!
That is a great first beta number Kristen!!! Congratulations! I find that the progesterone gives me a little peace of mind, honestly. Reenforcement is good! We want that little bean to stick around. :)
My doctor wants to see 15.. which you're close to. I don't think it's a terrible number.. and at least there's something they can do about it.
Good luck to you.. AND CONGRATULATIONS!
P.S. you've been tagged.
Congratulations on a great beta! Not sure what the prog is supposed to be, but at my clinic you start prog suppositories the day after transfer. The only side effect I am aware of is headaches, but if you drink more water they are not so bad. Also, taken vaginally it is really uncomfortable. Other than that no problems!
I am with the previous posters, the most important thing is you caught the progesterone your doc has you on the right track immediately!
We are all here for you. You make sure you come here and talk, vent or scream or whatever you need to do to get through all these initial betas!
We all love and support you!
Granted, this advice is coming from someone who has yet to maintain a pregnancy, but...
I wouldn't fret too much about the progesterone. My RE told me that it fluctuates quite a bit in early pregnancy for everyone. The pills or suppositories are really just a safeguard. The important thing is that at least you KNOW and you can do something about it. Even though there certainly are no guarantees, there are ways to up the chances.
I really want this to stick for you. Fingers crossed so tight I may get bruising!
hey girl! CONGRATS! What a great beta! The progesterone isn't too low, try not to worry about that. I was on the progesterone supps until 14 weeks. I tried going off around 10 weeks and had a little bleed so i went back on them and then had no touble coming off at 14. They arne't that bad, wear a pantyliner! just stick em up there like if you were checking CP. Vaginal is more effective with less side effects. email me with any questions you have!Praying for your bean, be sticky little one!!!
Yikes! Sorry I missed Wednesday's post! Such lovely news!!!
Tons of good thoughts sent your way!
Congrats! Wishing and praying for a sticky bean this time! Let 3rd time be the charm! I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.
Wahoo! I'm so happy to hear about the BFP--and I'm hoping with everything I am that this is your time!
I've used progesterone a few different times now. I highly recommend asking your doc to prescribe endometrin - it comes with an applicator for each pill which makes getting it all the way up there so much easier. It's a little bit pricier of a copay, but so worth it.
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