Monday, October 29, 2007

Guess I Need A New Costume

BFN and I never even bothered to test. I'm not going to be wearing that pregnant lady costume this year. My temps have dropped steadily for the past 5 days and now are caressing my coverline. The 2ww of my chart actually resembles a steaming pile of dog crap. I urge you to take a gander at it yourself. What a magnificant piece of shit. (Sorry for the vulgarity but I just need to get it out.)

I had my emotional breakdown yesterday. Now, I'm just eager for AF to get here so I can pick up the pieces and try again.

I hope my cycle buddies have much more luck than I did.


Samantha said...

I'm sorry things are heading south this cycle. I feel for you.

AwkwardMoments said...

I am so sorry that you are going to experience AF yet again

Kim said...

I'm so sorry :O(

Leah said...

I'm sorry! I'm sending you a thousand hugs today.

Mirabel's Parents said...

gosh, your chart had so much promise the week after ovulation. i'm so sorry.

Katie said...

Ah. I had a BFN this morning, and I am pretty sure that it is going to stay a BFN (I am 12 DPO). This sucks big time. I hope the other ladies have a better result and that NEXT cycle is it for us.

Anonymous said...

*huuugs* I'm so so sorry. :(

Barb said...

Right there with ya on those feelings chica. Lots of hugs.

Mrs. Shoes said...

I am so sorry. I wish it didn't have to hurt like this.

Kym said...

I'm sorry honey. :( Makes me sad when you are sad. It'll happen again when the time is right. I hate saying that...but it is hard to find something to say to comfort during this time. I know cause I feel the same way. I test in 3 days, the day after Halloween. I could test Halloween I'll be 11dpo, but I don't want to ruin the day. kwim? Oh if you want to you can borrow my costume for Halloween :) lol. Thanks for the compliment on my page.

Take care,

Tash said...

Shit, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Bugger! Sorry from me too :( HUGS

JJ said...

Im sorry friend...I hope that you are able to enjoy some delicious wine to soothe the ache--I will come join you=)
I tried to make AF stay away for all of us in the 2ww, but she is one strong beaotch...
Thinking of you....

Grad3 said...

Damn it Kristen... son-of-a-!

I am going to hate the world today for you.

Polka Dot said...

I'm so sorry this wasn't it for you.

Scrumpkin said...

Awww...that really sucks.

megan said...

i'm sorry, Kristen. i'm sending many hugs your way.

Laura said...

I am so sorry! Lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

Crap. I am sorry.

RBandRC said...

I'm so sorry. HUGS!!!

One View said...

Sorry I've been MIA but I just caught up on your blog and I wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your BFN. I know there are no words but I know how much it hurts and how crappy this whole process is. Big hugs to you.

Elin said...

Hiya beautiful, i am so so sorry that things didnt work out this month. You are in my prayers (((((safehugs)))) xx

Meghan said...

I'm so sorry this wasn't it for you. Sending you lots of hugs

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I'm so sorry, sweetie. Seeing that temperature drop is the worst. It's like ripping off a band-aid very very slowly.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say thank you for your detailed accounts of 'Tell me you love me'. Thanks to you I don't have to get cable. I'm so sorry about your crappy cycle. Wishing you luck.

Emily said...

i hated seeing this post..i'm sad this isn't your month. i'm thinking about you!

Geohde said...

No luck here, quite the opposite infact.

I am so sorry about the BFN-chart,



Joy said...

I welcome vulgarity. You may have gathered from my blog.
I figure I can cuss as much as I want til I have kids.

I'm sorry for the shitty cycle.


Natalie said...

I'm so sorry. :(

Melissa said...

I'm sorry that this cycle was a bust. Hang in there.

Lisa said...

I'm sorry :(

Shelli said...

ugh, I am so sorry!!!

Me said...

That sucks! ((HUGS))

Wordgirl said...

Oh boo.

I'm sorry.

On the plus side Halloween means lots of least that's what's keeping me going...

Missy said...

I'm sorry this cycle didn't work for you.

Courtney said...

This just bites. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. I wish we could have a punch card for this stuff, and once you have racked up a few bfn's, you are rewarded with that elusive bfp that we are all diligently searching for.

Thinking of you...

moosk said...

i'm sorry, kristen... that just sucks.

Yeah So said...

Oh no. Words cannot express how sorry I am for you. Not fair. Not fair at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry.

Dr. Grumbles said...


Kami said...

I am very sorry. I wish there was something I could do to fix it. Keep breathing.

Carrie said...

It doesn't get easier, does it? Sorry to hear this news.

Christy said...

Oh Kristen, I'm so sorry that this wasn't the time for you. Hoping, wishing and praying that next time is.

lub said...

Bummer Kristen. I am hoping that things turn up soon.

Katie said...

I hate this for you. I hate this for me. I hate this for all of us. Sending you love and a virtual drink.

Baby Blues said...


Laura said...

I am so sorry! Sending hugs your way!

Doughnut said...

Just keeping looking forward and keep the faith Kristen!

Rian said...

I'm sorry, I really hope it happens for you soon.

Esperanza said...

I'm so sorry :(.